Bangkang Cave, Hidden Tour of Attraction in Lombok | Hearing the word Lombok, my friend must imagine the beautiful stretch of white sand beaches like Bali. In fact, the small island that became the tourist icon of West Nusa Tenggara province exceeds the expectations of the traveler. Yes, there are many natural potential that this beautiful island has. One of the tourist destinations that offer a new paradise for nature lovers is Bangkang Cave in Lombok. No wonder if the hidden place located in the Village Prabu, District Pujut, Central Lombok is hunted by lovers quiet atmosphere.

Unique Things Offered Cave Bangkang in Lombok

If you imagine a place like most other caves, you’re wrong. The scenery inside the Cave of Bangkang in Lombok is very beautiful and unique. Cave consists of two parts that have different sides of the top and bottom. At the bottom, has a hole that is used as a place of entry. In this place, you will find the best photo spots that can be displayed in social media accounts like facebook or instagram.
Sunlight creeps through the hole at this lower level, making your photos look different. Many visitors who perpetuate photo background of sunlight into the gap base of this cave. You also want to have one of those cool photos, right? Of course the desire must be paid with hard struggle. Why is that?

If you come to Bangkang Cave in Lombok, you should prepare adequate equipment. Lighting and masks are needed in this quiet place. In addition, this cave has been home to thousands of bats so that the smell of dirt is quite sting when entering the mouth of the cave. However, the cave terrace also has views of charming natural rock structures. Just so you can bear the smell of bat shit that makes uncomfortable.

Gua Bangkang, Wisata Menarik yang Tersembunyi di Lombok (2)
Bangkang Cave, Hidden Tour of Attraction in Lombok

There is nothing wrong to make Cave Bangkang in Lombok as a natural destination of choice if a visit to Lombok. Apart from the smell of bat droppings inside the cave, this place offers natural beauty that will not be found in other caves. It is worth mentioning as a nature tour that offers solitude for lovers of tranquility. Should invite friends if you come here so you are not struck by fear with the quiet atmosphere offered.

Sumber gambar:,–gua-lombok.jpg

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