Beautiful Sekotong beach to be excellent in West Lombok. One area of NTB (West Nusa Tenggara) has a view that can not be in words. Where there are beautiful green hills around the orphanage, then you can enjoy the beautiful Sekotong beach from the top of the hill.
Do you want to travel to Lombok but have no agenda yet? 6 beautiful Sekotong beach below you can make a reference tour.
1. Bangko Beach Bangko
Bangko bangko has stunning scenery and large waves. Well, for you lovers of surfing sports, this location can be a major destination while in Lombok. Surfers know Sekotong beach is called Desert Point.
2. Elaq-elaq Beach
Magis on the beach Eleq-eleq often make visitors fascinated with sea water blue tosca, white sand beaches clean and the hills around it. Make Eleq-eleq more beautiful in the eyes.
3. Nambung Beach
There are many large rocks on the Nambung coast. Interestingly, when the rocks hit by large waves and water flowing from the top of the reef, resembling a waterfall in the hills. Not only that, you can also learn the cultivation of seaweed that is managed by the local people.
4. Mekaki Beach
Mekaki Beach has a beauty that is not inferior to Senggigi and Kuta. Mekaki beach lips are quite large, then you can play on the beach while enjoying the beautiful nature of the archipelago in the land of West Lombok.
The sea water is blue tosca nan clear, always tempting visitors to plunge into and enjoy the cool waters of Mekaki sea.
Although Mekaki beach still not many people know and has not crowded visitors, access to reach the location is very good. Along the way you will find beautiful hills and rice fields. As it approaches the beach, Sekotong beach beauty has teased you from a distance.
5. Sundance Beach
Sekotong beach is the last of Sundance. Beaches that have underwater beauty, as a paradise for divers or just snorkeling. Although not popular in the community, underwater nature has always been a prima donna in West Lombok.
That’s 5 beautiful Sekotong beach in the area of ​​West Lombok, NTB which will tempt every visitor through it.