Hidden Paradise in Beautiful Tanjung Bloam Beach

Tanjung Bloam Beach – Lombok tourist destination is not only famous limited in Gili Trawangan and Senggigi only. Filling up your complete vacation in Lombok better you explore the southern forests of Lombok. This southern forest of Lombok also keeps millions of hidden paradises of the world, its name in the Forest if you want to get there through the streets whose beauty is quite attention-grabbing.
Tanjung Bloam Beach, the community often call this beach, located in the forests section during South Lombok. It turns out in it to save a stunning paradise, this beach is one lane with Kaliantan beach also Tanjung Ringgit Beach. This beach is hidden, between the teak forests and hills and is located in Tangsi Hamlet, Temeak Village, located in Jerowaru district, East Lomnok regency.

The beauty of Tanjung Bloam Beach

One of the beaches in Lombok is not too well known in the community, probably because of its extraordinary place. Reach to the tourist spot is time-consuming, but although this beach has not been visited by many tourists. The beauty of paradise is well known by the people, both foreign and foreign tourists.
The main attraction of this hidden hidden beach, is the incredible scenery with towering cliffs. The cliffs seem very unique, because the scenery around it is very exotic. Coupled with white sand stretched along the beach, making this beach paradise is a hidden society of Lombok.

The beach is also a place of turtle observation, many turtle habitats along the coastline stretching from north to south. This place has a beauty that is still a girl, because it has not been touched by the number of visitors. Another attraction is the beauty of the rock that is amazing. The color of the cliff yellowish with a blend of black color increasingly add to the beauty of this beach.

How to reach Tanjung Bloam Beach

Traveling here you just spend 2.5 hours from Mataram area. Arrive at Tanjung Ringgit turn to the right. Meet a small road that can only be passed by 1 car. About 500 meters will meet with a small marquee of your sign up to Tanjung Bloam. The road you will pass is a dusty road not yet on the asphalt and pebbly. Before you get to the location you are presented many beautiful scenery and pamper the eyes.

Surga Tersembunyi di Indahnya Pantai Tanjung Bloam (2)
Surga Tersembunyi di Indahnya Pantai Tanjung Bloam (2)

The sights offered by Paradise hidden behind the forests of South Lombok will add more colorful holiday. Wait what else after arriving in Lombok do not forget to stop by a very beautiful place this one.

Sumber gambar: https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/742/22203093889_8e942d2db5_b.jpg, http://www.wisataku.id/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/wisata-Pantai-Tanjung-Bloam.jpg

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